Gay sex slave collar

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From plain leather collars to bondage collars with rings, from shiny silver leather to classic black, from solid metal spikes and studs to elegant brocade, you will be amazed to see the collection of collars we offer. Here at Leather Etc, we have a collar for every one of your fantasies. We use sturdy hardware to ensure the strength and lifespan of our pieces, featuring double-cap rivets, solid D and O-rings, and a variety of smooth buckles.

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Most of our collars feature no metals that touch the skin when worn, which can dig into the skin. In fact, we’re one of the only companies in the world that offer leather bondage gear in different colors!Ĭomfort is very important in a good BDSM scene chafing, scrapping, and cutting from rough materials and sharp edges can kill the mood faster than you can say “pull my hair!” That’s why we’ve spent 35 years perfecting our leathercraft techniques. Strict Thigh Sling With Wrist Cuffs Black Sex Toys At.

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